The Taste of Datura
The questions below are meant to help spark a discussion at your book club. If you have a specific question for the author, use the contact page to send a message.
- What intrigues you most about this story? A character, a storyline, a legend?
- What are your thoughts on the relationship between the Nick and Laura?
- Lavinia was inspired by femme fatal of film noir. What are your thoughts on her purpose or overall story arch?
- What are your thoughts on the epilogue and prologue? Did it add to this story?
- Did this story keep you guessing? Or what surprised you most in the story?
- Do you wish something happened in a different way in the story? With characters or situations?
- What part confused you in this story? Was there a specific scene or character that you wish the author explained in more detail? Or that you wanted to know more about?
- The Taste of Datura is connected to A Mistake Incomplete, but can be read in any order. But the order you read it gives you a different experience. Did you read A Mistake Incomplete prior to The Taste of Datura? If so, what are your thoughts on the connection? If not, will you read A Mistake Incomplete now that you read The Taste of Datura?
- If you were to cast a film version of this story, who would you cast to play Nick, Laura, Lavinia, and the other characters?
- If you could ask the author one question about The Taste of Datura, what would it be?