Magnusmade started in 2011 as my website for creative projects and all things that allow me to achieve greatness. The focus for this web destination is travel, food, writing, reading, and drink. I typically post about my books, travels, occasional cooking experiments, and even cocktail research — teaching myself to mix a good drink.
I also blog about my experience in writing and promoting my novels The Love Fool, A Mistake Incomplete, and most recently, The Taste of Datura – as well as any new writings I’m currently working on. All writing related posts can be found under the Writing category. Topics include writing, revising, editing, getting published, and publicity.
Thank you for visiting Magnusmade.
Lorenzo holds a Global MBA in International Marketing from Suffolk University in Boston, Massachusetts. He is bilingual, raised speaking both English and Italian. He was born and raised in U.S.A. and spent his summers in Italy.
For more about my Italian background and language skills, read my blog post: My Italian Dialect Discovery
Lorenzo lives in Massachusetts working on his writing as a side gig to his corporate day job. He has contributed to publications on food, travel, and cocktails, including Intermezzo and SIPthemagazine.
He is a member of several writing groups including Mystery Writers of America, Boston Authors Club, International Association of Crime Writers (North America), The Independent Author Network, and Sisters in Crime.
Lorenzo’s debut novel The Love Fool (a not-so-romantic comedy), second novel A Mistake Incomplete (crime fiction) and his most recent crime novel The Taste of Datura are available at booksellers worldwide.
Author Talk (AbingtonCAM)
January 2025: Author Talk (YouTube)
Citywide Blackout
April 2024: Author Interview
The Writer’s Life eMagazine
November 2021: Author Interview
Feathered Quill Book Reviews (Author Interviews)
January 2021: Author Interview
March 2018: Author Interview
Kilroy is Here: Musings of an Author (Apple Podcast)
February 10, 2020: S1, E6: An Interview with Lorenzo Petruzziello
Tell Me About Your Damn Book (Apple Podcast)
June 18, 2018: S1, E4: Lorenzo Petruzziello