I’ve finally booked my first European trip since the start of the pandemic. It was a bit of a struggle deciding when I should go back to Italy – in addition to the concern of pandemic spread and variants, I didn’t want to spend the time to go that far and not be able to explore and discover with (understandable) limitations. However, I’ve been monitoring the situation both here at home and in Italy, and I now feel comfortable to visit friends and relatives, and, of course, explore something new.

This time, I plan to spend a day or two in Napoli. Although, I have been to Naples several times, it was always a half-day visit. Last time I went, I did spend one night and got to have a little more time there, but still, it was not enough. I still don’t know the city well enough. I want the opportunity to really be in the city and breathe its essence.
On this upcoming visit, I plan it by neighborhood, and if course take in the city’s delicacies. Of course, I know I won’t have time to visit every neighborhood – but this trip will be a good start.
The reason for my visit to Napoli, is research. As I had mentioned previously, I am writing my third book and plan to set it in Southern Italy. I’ve already written a bunch and I’m happy with what I’ve got so far. But I know being in the actual setting will inspire me to write more and a lot quicker. I don’t think this story will be set in Naples only, though. I might pop about to other places in the area… maybe? I really don’t know until the story continues its flow.
Well, that’s about all I can share for the moment. So, be sure to monitor my Twitter for updates and my Instagram for trip photos.
A presto!