It is difficult to focus on (or finish) anything creative while having a full time job to pay the bills. Many of us struggle with this dual life; which easily causes a prolonging or never-ending project.
For some time now, I was concerned my book would never be completed. I was worried the novel would sit in dust of past dream projects that could have once been. I was beginning to freak out.
Every now and then, I would think of my novel, my characters, and either miss it/them, or feel no sense of closure. I often wondered, what would ‘this character’ or ‘that character’ do in this real life situation. Immediately following, I would be reminded of my incomplete novel and feel a sense of failure to finish something I had set out to do.
That’s when the fire is lit, under my butt, and I would promise myself to ‘get back on the writing horse’ and finish the darn thing. And eventually, I would stop thinking about it. And then, it would all happen again, full circle.
This time, for some reason, out of nowhere, something came to me. The closing scene. Yes, the end of my story. But I didn’t want it to just end. I wanted closure for the characters and the reader. I wanted an end that will leave the reader at peace. Sure, I’ve had several versions of an ending, but never one like the one I finally decided upon this weekend. So, I took the courage to re-open that darn file – which was becoming a heavy burden of constant failure reminding – and polished up the finale to my story. It is now complete. (Celebration dance)
My Next Step: One last read-through. Then, reach out to the pros. Eek!
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