One slice of this satisfying spaghetti frittata reminds me of my childhood. My mother, who learned this from her mother (my grandmother), would make it on occasion.
Frittata di Spaghetti (or Frittata di Maccheroni) is a specialty from Naples and a lot of the Campania region. Made with spaghetti, mixed with egg and cheese, cooked in a frying pan forming a round cake-like shape with a crispy exterior, soft interior and absolutely delicious. This simple and quick bite is made to be sliced and typically packed for a picnic or day at the beach.
Sticking with the basics, different versions can be found throughout Napoli and southern Italy, and it’s commonly made with spaghetti, but sometimes found with maccheroni or other short pasta.

Like most everyday recipes, this simple frittata was created in time of poverty, where stretching any food without waste had become a skill. Today, many versions of this typically inexpensive and non-exclusive dish can be found in street stalls and casual eateries – both classical and experimental versions. And yes, even fancy versions appear at gourmet restaurants.
Note: There is also has a variation that can be a useful way to use your leftover pasta dish (recipe coming soon).
This is the typical/classic version, typically made with fresh cooked pasta, without tomato sauce.
Made with pasta – typically spaghetti – mixed with egg and grated cheese, cooked in a frying pan forming a round omelet-sized disc with a crispy exterior, soft interior, and absolutely delicious. (Note: You can also make a red version of this with your leftover spaghetti in tomato sauce.)
- Heat a large frying pan on the stove.
- Remove your leftover spaghetti from the refrigerator and place to the side.
- In a large bowl, crack 2-3 eggs (depending on amount of spaghetti).
- Add Parmigiano-Reggiano cheese, salt and pepper to taste. Then beat well, as if you’re making an omelet. (Some people also add small bits of ham, prosciutto, or dried salami.)
- Add the spaghetti to the egg mixture and toss well. You want to try and coat every strand of spaghetti. The texture should be sloppy. If it’s too dry, add another egg.
- In heated frying pan, drizzle a swirl of olive oil.
- Drop the spaghetti mixture into the pan and flatten the top. Let sit to allow the bottom get crispy. (Do not stir.)
- Once you feel bottom has crisped, flip the spaghetti whole, using a large dish or pan lid.
- And let that exterior crisp.
- Slide the thick disc out of pan, onto a large dish.
- Let cool slightly, then slice and serve.
- Or let cool completely, then slice and pack to enjoy al fresco.