Five years ago, I moved to Rome temporarily and ended up, somehow, sitting at my computer and punching out the majority of what turned out to be the rough draft of my first novel THE LOVE FOOL. It was a difficult challenge, but somehow, I did it – I wrote a novel. I don’t know how, but once the ball started rolling and the words spit out, the story was complete. After many, many revisions, it’s done. Soon this novel will be released [via Inkshares] for the public to enjoy.
And now I’m embarking on challenging myself once again. I’ve started a few ideas of which I hope at least one of them will turn into a second novel. These ideas are different from what I’ve written in THE LOVE FOOL. I’m still early in the weeds on this, so it would be premature for me to share. It’s too soon. Aside from the vague posts on Instagram or Twitter, I cannot give you anything yet; at least not until I get to a point where I know where this new story is going. But, because I’m Italian and we Italians like to share and some of us can’t keep a secret, I suppose I can draw your eyes to the photo above for another clue of what is inspiring this new adventure.
Why share all this vagueness with you all? Just to let you know that I’m trying to formulate this story in my spare time. It is very difficult when life and your day job gets in the way. But, knowing that I was able to do this [write] the first time around with THE LOVE FOOL, I have confidence in myself that I can do it again. As an avid reader, I’m absolutely happy to have ventured into this unknown [to me] world of writing.
The non-writer writing may strike again. To be continued…
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