As many of you may know, I started writing THE LOVE FOOL when living in Rome a few years ago. On this past trip to Italy, I went back to visit some key spots that inspired me, and incorporated into the story.
Just like writing THE LOVE FOOL, going back to the particular sites was a very nostalgic experience. I felt both sad and satisfied that I actually had written a full and complete novel. Most of these feelings were sparked as I stood looking at the Pantheon – the sight that, for some reason, I like the most.
As of this day, we have reached the minimum goal to get published! So, if you’re reading this and you’ve pre-ordered, THANK YOU for supporting my project. If haven’t put your order in yet, there is still time to reserve your signed copy.!
In the meantime, I’m working on pitching a short story I had recently written. Don’t you worry – you will all be reading it at some point. I just don’t know where yet.
Currently: I’m writing blog posts about my recent Italian getaway – soon to be uploaded.
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