Datura stramonium, also known as jimson weed, is a poisonous plant that belongs to the deadly nightshade family.
Third Book Update
Hooray! The first draft of my third fiction novel is complete…
The Devil’s Greeting
I imagined The Devil’s Greeting would be as inviting, convincing the drinker that they too have fallen into the right place.
Read: a culture study of the Smokies
Extending the previous post A Blue Ridge Mountains Road Trip. I found this Gone Dollywood book by Graham Hoppe at a used bookshop we stopped at upon entering Tennessee. At first glance on the shelf, I almost passed on it…
A Blue Ridge Mountains Road Trip
I’ve just returned from a four-day road trip through the Blue Mountains of Virginia and North Carolina, including the Smoky Mountains of Tennessee. My first impression: awed. The landscapes were incredible. The Appalachian delicacies a delight. The music, a dreamy wonder.
Pass the Tomatoes
Passata di pomodoro is best described as tomato puree made by boiling tomatoes then passing them through a strainer that separates the skin from the pulp. The result is a thick, red liquid that is the base for tomato sauce….